How Do I Know If My Monitor Is Touch Screen?
A touch screen monitor is one where you touch the screen to make your commands or select items. It’s very similar to using a pointing device like a mouse, although instead of delivering your commands to the computer, it delivers them to your monitor. If you have a laptop, you can find several different types of touch screens available for your use. One example is the screen that comes with many Windows operating systems. These are called ‘pointing and clicking’ type screens and can be found on many older computers. These are the cheapest and clog up the best memory of your computer.

Modern monitors on the other hand, are much faster and dependable than those from years ago. You can find some excellent modern models that can track hundreds of inputs all at once. When buying a new monitor you should look into several different things. Do you want a touch screen monitor? Do you want to attach your monitor to your computer screen for easier monitoring?
Depending on what you need your monitor for, there are dozens of different kinds. Many people only need a monitor when working on their computers. If this is the case, you will want to find monitors available that allow you to use the feature for web browsing as well. There are even some models available now that will let you view PDF files!
For someone who works on a desktop computer, there are plenty of desktop monitors available today. These can be used just like a normal keyboard and mouse, with the added benefit of a touch sensitive screen. These are typically found in schools or businesses where one person can use the computer for various activities while another does the typing. The monitor will normally be used for watching movies, playing games and working.
A touch screen monitor can come in a variety of different sizes. When you are shopping for one, keep this in mind. Some people need a very large monitor yet they don’t want to be bending over backwards every time they need to use the computer. On the other hand, you may not have a lot of room to move around in your small office. Either way, it’s good to know that there are some options out there in a touch-sensitive monitor.
How do I know if my monitor is touch screen is really easy to answer? It depends. You can ask a salesperson or browse the many touch screen monitor review sites online. Then compare the monitors to see what features each one has to offer. In the end, you will probably find that some are a lot better than others when it comes to how well they work, how durable they are and other factors.